Image Getting Started

A brief guide to working with PracticeStudio FHIR.


The implementation of the SMART on FHIR authorization requires an understanding of the OAuth2 framework. Developers should review and become familiar with the implementation of OAuth2 authorization flow, including access code/token exchange.

OAuth 2.0 resources can be found at: What is OAuth 2.0?


In order to access protected information, the client application must register. Once the client fills out the application, a client ID and client Secret will be issued that can be used to gain initial access to the API. Follow the steps below to register:

▪ Fill out registration form to create an account and obtain a client secret and client ID.

▪ Fill out the registration form as follows:

▪ App Name

▪ Organization Name

▪ Redirect URI

Service Base URLS

Service Base URL:

All FHIR requests will be made to the above service base URL, the parameters are outlined in the individual FHIR components.


The PracticeStudio FHIR API will return standard HTTP error codes, you may encounter the following:

▪ 400 Bad Request: A bad request can be returned for many reasons, in general the FHIR server will return a bad request when a request is sent with incorrect syntax.

▪ 404 Not Found: A not found response will be returned when FHIR server cannot find anything matching the Request-URI.

▪ 403 Forbidden: A forbidden response will be returned when the client attempts to access a FHIR resource it does not have access to.